Impacts From Recent Legislation and Supreme Court Decision on Malpractice Claims and Insurance for Anesthesiologists
Two events occurred recently that relate to medical malpractice insurance premiums paid by physicians and their practice groups – a recent US Supreme Court decision concerning injury claims and Medicare/MediCal and the recent enactment of state legislation, AB 35, also known as the MICRA Modernization Act. CSA leadership asked our legal counsel, Phillip Goldberg, Esq. of [...]Practice Management Surveys
Please take a few moments to complete the following surveys to help our Practice Management Committee to further understand identified areas of practice needs. Truth in […]
AB 72 Victory: IDRP Lessons for Anesthesiologists
For the first time ever, an anesthesiologist/anesthesia group has successfully appealed an AB 72 claim payment dispute under the independent dispute resolution process (IDRP) established by the […]
Evaluating An Anesthesia Practice
You’ve found the perfect practice, doing the cases you want to do, living where you want to live, what else do you need to know? Let’s get a few more answers, along with the tools for evaluating the practice. How is Income Distributed In General, Physicians can be paid in 3 different ways: 1) W-2 […]
Should I Incorporate? Pros and Cons of a Personal Medical Corporation
Before we start, do not use this document as legal advice. I am sharing with you the knowledge I acquired when I was making a personal decision. Before moving forward, consult your accountant and an attorney that does this type of law. Types of Medical Professional Corporations “C” Corporation – A traditional corporation that has […]
Applying for an Anesthesiologist Position – Making Initial Contact
Antonio Hernandez Conte, MD, MBA Chair, Legislative & Professional Affairs Division MAKING CONTACT After you have decided what specific groups and practices you want to work in, have completed your curriculum vitae (see CV preparation tutorial), and have the accurate contact information, you are NOW READY to reach out via email to introduce yourself. COMPOSING […]
Non-Compete Clauses
Non-Compete, or Non- Competition, clauses are common in employment contracts. This article will raise 2 issues in its hypothetical: (1) the enforceability of non-compete clauses in California, and (2) that an employee obtain legal advice before signing any employment agreement. You are excited…. You have finished your residency and fellowship. You and your partner have […]
Case Study: AB 72 Threatens Private Practice Contract
Editor’s Note: The following case study comes from the head of a large (greater than 60), physician-only anesthesia group that has been contracted with a certain Risk Bearing Organization (RBO) for more than 20 years. It stands as a prime example of how Assembly Bill 72 can be misused by payors to renegotiate contracts, to […]
Nurse Anesthetist Liability in California: Clarification and Confusion (Part II)
By Christopher G. Tirce, MD, FASA In my last article, I discussed a case of nurse anesthetist non-liability in North Carolina1 that asks us to consider several […]
North Carolina Nurse Anesthetist Not Liable in Medical Malpractice Case: Implications and Future Directions (Part I)
By Christopher G. Tirce, MD, FASA Scope of practice issues frequently dominate public policy discussions in health care and the practice of medicine, and […]