By Mark Singleton, MD, FASA
For over a decade, the annual ASA Lifebox Resident Challenge fundraising effort has improved surgical safety and critical care for patients in some of the most under-resourced hospitals in world, and it continues this year with renewed importance. In 2011, Dr Sephalie Patel, a resident anesthesiologist at the University of Florida, initiated an effort within their department to raise enough money to donate one Lifebox oximeter for every member of the department (135). This resulted in a donation from U of F (100% department participation) of $33,750 that was presented by Dr Jerry Cohen, ASA president-elect and University of Florida associate professor, to Lifebox chairman Dr Atul Gawande at the 2011 ASA 2011 annual meeting.

Lifebox has distributed over 34,000 pulse oximeters across 116 countries to date. Last year the Resident Challenge raised over $58,000, allowing Lifebox to send over 225 pulse oximeters to providers in need. This year, their goal is to raise at least $80,000. Our California anesthesiology residencies, faculty and friends can make an enormous contribution toward that end. The Challenge will last until October 14, the opening day of ASA 2023 in San Francisco. The 75th anniversary of both the CSA and ASA will be celebrated this year in many ways, and this can be a monumental demonstration of our commitment to the advancement of our chosen medical specialty to every patient in every part of the world.
Lifebox, in partnership with Smile Train, has identified a resource appropriate, affordable, user-friendly, high-quality device with sturdy construction and long battery life that includes both capnography and oximetry. These new Smile Train-Lifebox devices will be distributed, alongside training, to anesthesia providers across Africa later this year. An educational package has also been developed to accompany the distribution. This is a major new achievement for an organization that has been at the forefront of patient safety since its beginnings.
In addition to providing residents the opportunity to engage and inform peers and contribute to safe and accessible healthcare around the world, the ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge is a wonderful bonding activity for departments and is an opportunity for residents to develop organizational and leadership skills. It can also bring media attention to anesthesiology programs, improves residents’ collaboration skills, and positions trainees for charitable outreach throughout their careers.
If you are a resident, faculty member, or alumnus of a California anesthesiology residency program and want to show that your devotion to our specialty goes beyond your daily work, please contribute to the success of the ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge. Make sure that there is a resident team at your program, resident leadership to champion it, and departmental support for their efforts. Please encourage your residents and your department to participate in this year’s Resident Challenge. This guide and toolkit includes everything needed on how they can get started and tips on how to fundraise. You can also sign up or donate at this link. Remember fundraising begins with “fun”!