Jeff Poage, MD, CSA Past President, ASAPAC Executive Board Member
Legislative advocacy is important in shaping healthcare policies that directly impact our great profession. We support key legislators and candidates who help champion issues critical to anesthesiology such as patient safety, fair reimbursement, addressing workforce shortages and understanding our role in healthcare.
Your contributions to the ASAPAC ensure we have a strong voice advocating for our profession as well as our patients. Make your voice heard!!
No matter where you work in the anesthesia world — hospital, surgery center, pain clinic, NORA, ICU, OB suite, office-based, teaching facility, research lab, C-suite – all of us can be part of our Federal and State advocacy efforts by supporting the ASAPAC!
If you are an ongoing contributor to the ASAPAC, we say THANK YOU!! If you have not contributed before, we humbly ask for you to donate this Monday, March 31st, during the DoC Challenge. During this 24-hour period, we expect to raise more than a million dollars! Your contribution will go a long way to support both Federal and even State initiatives which will strengthen our position in the healthcare hierarchy. We have good people working 24/7 on your behalf. And we cannot do the things we do without your support. Donations to ASAPAC help protect the interests and rights of anesthesiologists, ensuring a positive future for the profession. WE NEED YOU!!
We will be updating you periodically during the DoC Challenge next Monday on how California is doing relative to other States. A friendly competition among the States is all in good fun! In recent years, California has had an excellent showing. But we cannot let up now. There are too many important issues on the table:
- Promoting quality and safe patient care
- Economic and reimbursement issues
- Medicare and Medicaid cuts
- Addressing workforce shortages
- Standing up to United Healthcare, Anthem Blue Cross and other big insurers
- Promoting Medical Title Protection Laws and Truth in Advertising
- Federal and State Scope of Practice issues
- And much more….
We recognize not everyone may be able to make a large donation, but every contribution counts. Consider setting up an automatic monthly contribution on the ASAPAC website. For instance, if you begin a monthly donation of $83.33 next Monday, it will be counted as a $1000 for the DoC Challenge!! A monthly donation of $41.67 will be counted as a $500 donation. Any amount will help us achieve our goals. Participation percentage is important. The ASAPAC is the voice of our profession!!
For residents, fellows or early career doctors, please consider a $25, $50 or $100 donation. Residency programs that reach 100% participation will be entered into a drawing as well as receive special recognition at the ASA Annual Meeting in October.
YOUR CONTRIBUTION MATTERS!! It is through advocacy we as anesthesiologists can amplify the voices of our patients and colleagues. And remember, we are not red or blue, we just work for you!
The QR code below will take you to the ASAPAC site. SCAN and CONTRIBUTE: |

- Direct link to ASAPAC Contribution landing page:
- General ASAPAC website:
- DoC Challenge landing page: