As you know under then CSA President Sam Wald, MD, MBA, FASA, CSA leadership created a new redistricting of districts and initiated Practice Forums.
The following Practice Forums are available to you:
- Early Career Practice
- Small & Solo Practice
- Medium Size Practice
- Academic Practice
- Large Practice
Why were Forums created?
The Forums were created to increase and improve member engagement. FYI: there are many people who are interested in becoming delegates and joining the CSA leadership. Most if not all leaders of CSA have started as delegates/alternate delegates.
So why is it important to choose a Forum?
If you have not chosen a Forum, then you are denying CSA members the chance to engage in the organization and hopefully be future leaders. Hence, all CSA members that are not members of Forums are preventing the Forums from having a maximum number of delegates/ alternate delegates.
Take Large Practice Forum as an example. On January 1, 2021 we had about 330 members. This gave our Forum 6 delegates and 6 alternate delegates for the year 2021. This number is up from 5 delegates and 5 alternate delegates the year before.
Actually, if you look at the total number of CSA members, the Large Practice Forum should have at least 600-700 members (recognizing that some will choose to be part of another forum). Hence the Large Practice Forum, for example, could have 13 delegates and 13 alternate delegates with 650 members not as it is currently with only 6 delegates and 6 alternate delegates. Similar percent increase could be seen with most of the other Forums if all CSA members chose a Forum.
Just to let you know that about 43 percent of CSA members have still NOT chosen their Forum. So, if you have not chosen your Forum or know of any CSA members that have not selected a Forum, please ask them to do so. It benefits us all and allows for greater engagement
To be clear I have a lot of members in the Large Practice Forum who would like to be involved in the CSA as delegates/alternate delegates, but they are currently limited by the total number of delegate and alternate delegate positions available. I am sure that is the same for the other Forums.
In conclusion, CSA Members that have not selected a Forum are preventing the organization and their colleagues from getting involved with the governance and creating future leaders.
Hence, if you are reading this and you are not a member or do not know if you are a member of a Forum then go onto the CSA website and check. Any problems please call CSA at (916) 290-5830.
We need more delegate positions in all our Forums, to increase and improve member engagement, so please select a Forum.