Antonio Hernandez Conte, MD, MBA
Chair, Legislative & Professional Affairs Division
After you have decided what part of the United States you want to live in, and have also decided what type of practice(s) you want to work in (i.e. academia, private practice, employee of a large group like Kaiser or Envision), you need to begin work on how to find job openings and contacts for your future potential employers.
There is no simple way of doing this, and the points of contact for many groups may (especially private practice ones) change annually.
Alumni of your residency or fellowship program can provide many good contacts for you when you begin your job search. Your program may have an alumni roster and all of the places where the alumni are currently practicing.
A very good place to start the initial search is by using the job search engines on the following websites:
These websites can give you a general “feel” for what the market looks like with regard to pay and availability.
For academic practices, you should contact the Chair or Vice-Chair of Operations of the Anesthesiology Department via email directly for job inquiries.
For the majority of private practices, you need to determine who is the Chief of Anesthesiology and/or who is the Anesthesia Group is the contracted party for that particular hospital. This process can take some time, and there is not one easy way to determining this online. Most hospital websites do not necessarily mention who is contracted to provide anesthesia services for their hospital.
You should create a spreadsheet or tracking tool of the groups you are interested in and their points of contact for their Chiefs and/or Practice Administrators. Plan on spending quite a bit of time researching as this is a task intensive process.
Additionally, you can search for jobs within Kaiser Southern California (SCPMG) and Northern California Kaiser (TPMG) by using the links below. However, every hospital within Kaiser makes their manpower decisions well ahead of when Human Resources is notified, so it is best to make contact with the Chief of Anesthesiology at the particular hospital you are interested in. Also, each Kaiser hospital has varying degrees of Care-team model implementation, so it’s best to investigate the various hospitals individually. Physicians working for Kaiser may enter as per-diem employee or Associates physicians with a 3-year track to full partnership. Northern California Kaiser and Southern California Kaiser (as well as the Kaisers in other states) are completely separate partnerships with no cross-over whatsoever. They have different compensation and benefits structures and partnership agreements.
Southern California Permanente Medical Group:
Northern California Medical Group:
ENVISION (formerly known as Sheridan)
Envision is a large corporate employer of physicians, including anesthesiologists, and they have practice locations in many states, including California. Many CSA members work for Envision, and they can be good contact points for this type of practice. Envision typically employs physicians as W-2 employees or part-time independent contractors.
Vituity started as California Emergency Physicians. As the company grew nationwide, it changed its name to CEP America. As the market for medical care changed, the focus moved from the ER to the entire hospital experience. Rebranded as Vituity, the partnership now focuses on ER, Anesthesia, Hospitalists, Intensivists, Tele-psychiatry and other hospital based specialties.
Vituity’s core values of transparency, physician leadership and local autonomy allow each of their sites to have a unique character with the resources of a large, national organization. Physicians are partners from their first day.
Allied anesthesia provides physician only anesthesia services for multiple hospitals in Orange County, California. They have many providing anesthesia services for many decades and are well established.
United States Anesthesia Partners
Envision is a large corporate employer of anesthesiologists and they are based primarily in Texas.
Anesthesia Services Medical Group
ASMG is a single specialty anesthesia group based in San Diego County. They have been providing anesthesia services as an anesthesia group for many decades across more than 20 facilities in San Diego. They are a physician anesthesia group only and do not utilize CRNAs. New employees rotate amongst all of their facilities for about 1 year and then “match” to the desired hospital. Employees become partners after 2 full years of service with ASMG.