Case Study: AB 72 Threatens Private Practice Contract
Editor’s Note: The following case study comes from the head of a large (greater than 60), physician-only anesthesia group that has been contracted with a certain Risk Bearing Organization (RBO) for more than 20 years. It stands as a prime example of how Assembly Bill 72 can be misused by payors to renegotiate contracts, to [...]CSA Online First
CSA Online First is the California Society of Anesthesiologists’ weekly blog, offering insights from its members. Edited by Dr. Ludwig Lin, with contributions from CSA’s […]
Role of the Anesthesiologist
Anesthesiologists Play a Critical Role, Before, During, and After Surgery Pre-op Diagnose underlying medical conditions and their impact on surgery, and determine whether the patient […]
Major CURES updates will be released April 11
April 04, 2022 The California Department of Justice (DOJ) is making important changes to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System, known as CURES. CURES is the database that collects all Schedule II-V controlled substance prescriptions dispensed in California. Prescribers, subject to certain exemptions, are required to consult the patient’s CURES patient activity report […]
Can I Afford to Save for Retirement
This is a common question when doctors are completing their residencies with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. This document will try to provide insights to allow logical approaches to debt and investing. Physicians should consult advisors for personalized plans, as we are attempting to only cover concepts, and apply mathematics to demonstrate likely […]
AB 72 Victory: IDRP Lessons for Anesthesiologists
For the first time ever, an anesthesiologist/anesthesia group has successfully appealed an AB 72 claim payment dispute under the independent dispute resolution process (IDRP) established by the […]
Evaluating An Anesthesia Practice
You’ve found the perfect practice, doing the cases you want to do, living where you want to live, what else do you need to know? Let’s get a few more answers, along with the tools for evaluating the practice. How is Income Distributed In General, Physicians can be paid in 3 different ways: 1) W-2 […]
How Do Anesthesia Groups Decide How Income Is Shared?
In another section of this website, we have discussed how an anesthesiologist work is broken into start-up units, time units and modifiers to create a unit total. This is then multiplied by a unit value to get a total to charge a payer. This installment will give a rudimentary discussion about how groups share their […]
Employment Status 101
Anesthesiologists in California can be employed in multiple different ways. This document will attempt to simplify the different models into 3 categories. Employee Physicians can be employees in California if they join a medical group. These can be small anesthesia practices, functioning under a corporation, or large entities like the University of California or Kaiser […]
Should I Incorporate? Pros and Cons of a Personal Medical Corporation
Before we start, do not use this document as legal advice. I am sharing with you the knowledge I acquired when I was making a personal decision. Before moving forward, consult your accountant and an attorney that does this type of law. Types of Medical Professional Corporations “C” Corporation – A traditional corporation that has […]