Case Study: AB 72 Threatens Private Practice Contract
Editor’s Note: The following case study comes from the head of a large (greater than 60), physician-only anesthesia group that has been contracted with a certain Risk Bearing Organization (RBO) for more than 20 years. It stands as a prime example of how Assembly Bill 72 can be misused by payors to renegotiate contracts, to [...]How Do I Choose the Type of Anesthesia Practice for Me?
This question is as easy (or hard) as choosing a spouse….and just as important. Most of us will spend over 40 hours per week working as an anesthesiologist, so it is critical that we prepare ourselves to choose our practice carefully. We don’t want to choose without determining if the group is a good fit. […]
Applying for an Anesthesiologist Position – Making Initial Contact
Antonio Hernandez Conte, MD, MBA Chair, Legislative & Professional Affairs Division MAKING CONTACT After you have decided what specific groups and practices you want to work in, have completed your curriculum vitae (see CV preparation tutorial), and have the accurate contact information, you are NOW READY to reach out via email to introduce yourself. COMPOSING […]
Non-Compete Clauses
Non-Compete, or Non- Competition, clauses are common in employment contracts. This article will raise 2 issues in its hypothetical: (1) the enforceability of non-compete clauses in California, and (2) that an employee obtain legal advice before signing any employment agreement. You are excited…. You have finished your residency and fellowship. You and your partner have […]
How do I Find an Anesthesia Practice & Begin the Application Process
Antonio Hernandez Conte, MD, MBA Chair, Legislative & Professional Affairs Division GETTING STARTED After you have decided what part of the United States you want to live in, and have also decided what type of practice(s) you want to work in (i.e. academia, private practice, employee of a large group like Kaiser or Envision), you […]
Case Study: AB 72 Threatens Private Practice Contract
Editor’s Note: The following case study comes from the head of a large (greater than 60), physician-only anesthesia group that has been contracted with a certain Risk Bearing Organization (RBO) for more than 20 years. It stands as a prime example of how Assembly Bill 72 can be misused by payors to renegotiate contracts, to […]
Is It Time to Unionize?
By Karen S. Sibert, MD, FASA November 20, 2020 Remember the dark days of the pandemic in March and April, when the true risk of caring for COVID patients started to become clear? Remember when you could be censured (asamonitor.pub/3p3IgVo) by a nursing supervisor or administrator for wearing a mask in public areas lest you […]
Practice Properties Comparison Checklist
Whether you are looking for your first job, or a change of location, it’s always helpful to organize your thoughts before your start. This spreadsheet will help you to identify what you want, and what you don’t want, so your questions about a prospective practice can be more focused and meaningful. Download the checklist.
Financial Resources
Financial Resources The CARES Act Advance Payments and Waivers – CMS Guidance and Other Relief State and Federal tax Updates CA Unemployment and Family Leave – SDI AB 80: A Bill That Will Allow Physicians to Deduct PPP Expenses on State Taxes February 23, 2021: The bill excludes covered loan amounts from the CARES program from […]
Nurse Anesthetist Liability in California: Clarification and Confusion (Part II)
By Christopher G. Tirce, MD, FASA In my last article, I discussed a case of nurse anesthetist non-liability in North Carolina1 that asks us to consider several […]